Young Adult Ministry

Welcome to The Table! We are a family of young adults (ages 18-30) in Orlando who gather weekly to hear the truth about Jesus.

The Table

The Table is our large group gathering for young adults, where we sing together, hear the truth of Jesus, and hang out together afterward. It’s the best way to connect with other young adults in Orlando, and we would love to have you!

We gather on Tuesday nights at 7:15 pm at First Orlando in Faith Hall. As soon as you arrive on our campus, just follow the signs for “The Table,” and we will be ready to welcome you!

Connect with Us

Follow us on social media to stay up to date with The Table, Groups, and upcoming events!


At The Table, we want you to find your place of belonging. Groups are a place where you can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, celebrate and be celebrated. Whether you are a single young professional, college student, or international student, we have a place for you!

Current Group Leaders

Tania Jimenez and Mariana Oropeza

College Women

Ally Day and Abby Pierce

College Women

Reina Fortune and Maliea Lujan

College Women

David Flores and Ryan Lovasco

College Men

Jake Stoope and Harrison Hall

College Men

Sam Landgraf and Ronnie Parris

College Men

Bri Hill and Natalia Fermin

Young Professional Women

Marilyn Mora and Rachel Gillette

Young Professional Women

Syonaa Singh and Vanessa Noemi Gonzalez

Young Professional Women

Aidan Evans and Zach Allard

Young Professional Men

Jonathan Espinel and Noah Boyett

Young Professional Men

Cole and Ashley Toenges


Join a group

Upcoming Events


Have a question? Want to get in touch? Just let us know by clicking below!

Contact The Table