Don’t Give Up. Trust In God’s Care For You

by: Korey Deck

Hi, it’s Korey.

In one of his messages earlier this year, Pastor David encouraged us not to give up on ourselves…not to give up on others.

It’s Easy To Become Discouraged

It can be easy for us to become discouraged when we encounter difficulties or setbacks. We may feel as though we are not making progress, our circumstances aren’t changing, or that our efforts are not being rewarded.

Similarly, we can become discouraged when a loved one or friend is experiencing struggles or difficulties. You might feel unable to help them or help change their circumstances.

Here’s A Truth You Can Trust

Here’s a truth I’m learning…slowly…it’s taking longer than I’d like, but each day it grows stronger:  I can trust in God’s personal care and love for me.

And so can you.

He knows each one of us intimately and is intimately involved in the details of our lives. Because of this, we can trust Him in our season of waiting. While waiting can be difficult and challenging, we can take comfort in the fact that God has a plan for us, and that plan is good.

In times of waiting, we can draw closer to Him.  We can take heart in the knowledge that God is with us in our waiting. He is walking with us every step of the way, and His love for us will never waver.

Cling and Remember

For the reasons I listed above, let’s trust in His personal care and love for us, and cling to the hope that He will bring us through our waiting season with grace and strength.  He’ll also accomplish this for those we care about.

Let’s remember that God does what God does best, and sometimes that means working in ways that we cannot see or understand. Let’s give Him the time to work in our lives and the lives of others.

Stand strong in your faith, and trust that God will guide us to where we need to be in our faith journey.

May God bless each and every one of you.

Korey Deck
Online Campus Pastor

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