Grace Ministry

Grace Ministry seeks to serve individuals and families through a holistic approach to address underlying issues. Applicants are willing to begin a journey with First Baptist Orlando that seeks to put them in a place of sustainability and a growing relationship with God.

Because we desire to make good decisions and be wise stewards of resources entrusted to us, the process for assistance takes 3-4 weeks. Completing the online application or meeting with a Grace Ministry Advocate does not guarantee financial assistance.

In Honoring Christmas and the Celebration of the New Year, Grace Ministry will not be accepting applications for assistance beginning Monday, December 11th through Monday, January 1st.

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.
–Nahum 1:7

Our Process

Step 1: Online application All applications must be completed online If you do not have access to a computer, online access is available at any area library. Locations can be viewed HERE or by calling 407-835-7323
Step 2: Applications are reviewed on a weekly basis and you will be contacted if more information is needed, or if we are able to invite you to the next step of the process.
Step 3: Meet with Grace Ministry Advocate Bring supporting documentation (See FAQ’s for complete list) Create Action Plan with Advocate.
Step 4: Follow through on Action Plan created with Advocate This could include:
Attending Budget Class Attending Worship Service each week Weekly appointments with advocate (minimum 3)
Step 5: Possible financial assistance

The application process provides us with key information we need to make the best determination possible of appropriate resources in each situation. The focus of Grace Ministry is to come alongside those within First Baptist Church of Orlando family, with limited assistance also available to individuals and families in the community.


Grace Ministry Advocates are volunteers that commit to walking alongside you as you seek to meet established goals, examining barriers in your life and how to overcome them, and offer counseling, workshops and referrals to classes and groups
There is no guarantee of financial assistance. If you are in need of immediate assistance, there are community agencies set up for emergencies we can refer you to.
Picture ID for all ADULT household members; apartment lease, house lease, or mortgage statement with your name on it; household bills and/or estimate of requested assistance; pay stubs (4–8 weeks) for all household members, verification of government income (Child Support, Food Stamps, SSI /SSDI, Pension, Unemployment, etc.); bank statement (last 3 months); credit card statement(s); documented crisis (written statement of what set you behind and what is requested).
We do not financially assist with legal issues or court fines, taxes, evictions, rental or utility deposits, credit card debt, long term or chronic medical issues, hotel stays, bus tickets or out of state travel.
It is the sincere desire of First Baptist Orlando to help everyone who comes across our path. We have many resources available, these may include but are not limited to: Worship Services, Small Groups, Bible Studies, Support Groups, Celebrate Recovery, Budget Classes, as well as other community resources.

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him”
Nahum 1:7

In Honoring Christmas and the Celebration of the New Year, Grace Ministry will not be accepting applications for assistance beginning Tuesday, December 10th through Monday, January 6th.

Grace Ministry ApplicationGrace Ministry Budget Form