You are invited

Invited into something new.

Invited into something historic.

Invited into something GREATER.

We believe God is calling us to do something great. Something great for the community and the Kingdom. Something great that will move us forward together and as individuals.

God, may we make Your greater things our hearts desire.

Celebrate Your Journey
Sunday, March 9

We know we’re all at different places on the Journey of Generosity. But imagine what God can do if we all take a step together! On Sunday, March 9, we’ll do exactly that. How do you know what step to take? Simply ask God what he wants you to do, and do what He says.

Submit your Greater response


A Greater Reach
Around the World

You may not know it, but your impact goes farther than just Central Florida. Your generosity is felt around the world! Because of you, each of our campuses support churches, missionaries, and Christian organizations that share the good news of Jesus across the globe. Check out a few of them below.


Abigail Europe

Ancil Madagascar

Christine Europe

David & Hope Europe

Harrison Eastern Europe

J & S Central Asia

J & E Central Asia

Josiah Southeast Asia

Seth & Denise Panama

Sully & Lauren South Asia

Tiffany & Christino Madagascar

Will & Deborah Mozambique


Agapia Church Romania

BME 365 Latin America

Church in Hard Places Mozambique

Dawn Ministries Latin America

Evangel Temple Belize

Homes of Hope Mexico

La Chapelle Montreal, Canada

Pioneer Missions Brazil

The Leader Team Nigeria

Restore Brazil Brazil

Restore Mozambique Mozambique

River Flows Foundation Trinidad

Tamarind Global Middle East

A Greater Impact
in Our Community

Our FOR Initiative is our way of making a meaningful and lasting difference in our very own community. We want to be known for loving people, caring for the marginalized, supporting those who need help, and doing good works. There is no better way to demonstrate this than by partnering with, giving to, and supporting people and organizations that are making an impact. Check out a few of our partnerships below.

4Given Jail Ministries

10:02 Church

The Center for Hope & Justice

Christian Service Center

Commission 127

Edgewood Children’s Ranch

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Find Your Voice

First Life Center for Pregnancy

Fostering Our Future

Frontline Innovation Studios

Grace Medical


Jesus Loves You Love Him Back

Jobs Partnership

Legends Academy

Let’s Be Different

Lift Orlando

Matthew’s Hope

Mercy Drive Ministries

The Morgan Center

Nathaniel’s Hope

New Life Transitional Home

No Walls Church

Ocoee Fire Department

Ocoee Police Department

One More Child

Orange County Jail Ministry

Orlando Police Department

Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Samaritan Village

Serve Orlando

Sleep In Heavenly Peace


Teen Challenge

United Against Poverty

Victorious Living

A Greater Presence
in Central Florida

A facility’s purpose, by definition, is to facilitate the work of those who use it. They should communicate who we are and what we are about. Our goal is for each of our campuses to have a permanent location. We’ve used each of our past meeting places to God’s glory for the last 6 years, and now, in partnership with The First Academy, we want to create a permanent space for our Horizon West campus in the heart of Horizon West.


  • 60,000+ total sq. ft.
  • Large multi-purpose space used primarily as a 700-seat sanctuary and shared as a weekday gymnasium
  • Classrooms designed for church on weekends and evenings, and school on weekdays
  • Playgrounds for church on weekends and evenings, and school on weekdays
  • Multi-purpose meeting spaces of various sizes for counseling, groups, and community gatherings
  • Lobby coffee shop
  • Offices for church and school use

View Horizon West Church renderings below

Horizon West Church - Connection
Horizon West Church - Roof Off
Horizon West Church - South Parking
Horizon West Church - South Entry
Horizon West Church - North Entry
Horizon West Church - West Entry
Horizon West Church - Connection

Greater Stories


The Journey of Generosity

Being generous is part of following Jesus. He teaches us that the way we handle our possessions indicates our surrender to Him. We want to be generous givers motivated by grace because God has been gracious to us! Our generosity journey for the next year supports ongoing ministry worldwide, here in Central Florida, and the new Horizon West campus facility. This is only possible if we all take a step together.

Through this GREATER initiative, we believe God will provide the resources to meet the needs ahead and allow us to reach more of Central Florida for Jesus.

Celebrate Your Journey
Sunday, March 9

We know we’re all at different places on the Journey of Generosity. But imagine what God can do if we all take a step together! On Sunday, March 9, we’ll do exactly that. How do you know what step to take? Simply ask God what he wants you to do, and do what He says.

Submit your Greater response

28 Days:

Starting Monday, February 10, for the next 28 days, we invite you to join us in this journey as we read, reflect, and pray for the road God has ahead. We will be praying for our church family and that together we experience God like never before.

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